Madlug Blog

LEARN | Young people in poverty

Children living in the poorest areas are at least ten times more likely to be taken into care or put on a child protection plan than those from the wealthiest areas, a study finds.

The research found about 1 child in every 60 was in care in the most deprived parts of England, compared with 1 in 660 in the most affluent places.The study also found that there were fewer services which could intervene early to support families, particularly in the most deprived areas.

" The income of parents does not define the worth of young people; all are of equal worth and should be afforded the same opportunities to succeed in both the care system and the wider society in general. "

The link between poverty and young people in the care system is staggering. The income of parents does not define the worth of young people; all are of equal worth and should be afforded the same opportunities to succeed in both the care system and the wider society in general. Explicitly highlighting the worth of young people from all backgrounds will help them to defeat the stigma of care and inequalities to succeed in their lives in education, their interactions and indeed future employment.

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