In a normal year, we would be reflecting upon and giving thanks for the standout moments of the previous twelve months. We would highlight the various events and social media mentions that help champion the Madlug cause to act on behalf of children moving through the care system. However, 2020 has been, as we all know only too well, far from a normal year.


We are thrilled to announce that we have partnered with IKEA on a project that will directly benefit young people moving through the care system.
THANKS | Madlug at 5

THANKS | Madlug at 5

When our company sprung from a spark of an idea, we did not realise that we would still be going half a decade later. Yet, we continue to be both humbled and challenged by our mission to help young people in care. 
NEW PRODUCT | The Madlug Custom

NEW PRODUCT | The Madlug Custom

We are very excited to announce the launch of Madlug Custom, a new way for you to design your own bespoke backpack.

By making a few simple choices, you can express your individuality while continuing to support the Madlug cause.

PRODUCT REVIEW | The Madlug Activity Book

PRODUCT REVIEW | The Madlug Activity Book

Many among us find it difficult to speak effectively about our current shared situation. Words are truly insufficient to convey how surreal, unsettling and at times deeply frightening our world became in a very short time. While we are in the eye of this storm, we will not be able to grasp the magnitude of this pandemic and the countless ways in which it will consequently shape societies, economies, industries, families… so many institutions the world over will be reeling from this experience for years and perhaps decades to come. While we cannot quite measure the scale of how it will shape our world there is the palpable sensation that the ground beneath our feet is shifting - as if we are standing on an ice floe that is breaking up, or a bridge that is collapsing, and as we fall we cannot tell how deep the chasm is below.
Our Response to COVID-19

Our Response to COVID-19

To our amazing friends, family, and followers, we send our very best wishes to you all at this difficult time.

There is no doubt that the last few weeks have been very challenging. Through this period, our mission remains the same: that no child should have to carry their life in a bin bag, and that every child in care is incredible.

STORY | Care To Listen?

STORY | Care To Listen?

At Madlug, we love to hear stories and firsthand accounts of those who have experiences of the care system. It reaffirms our belief that every child deserves value, worth and dignity - no matter what age they are - and how the smallest acts of goodness can make significant differences in the lives of others.

In this guest blog, Ian Dickson, a retired social worker, ofsted inspector, residential manager and children's rights advocate from England recounts his personal experience of being in care.

NEWS | Taking Stock

NEWS | Taking Stock

Traditionally, January is a month for looking both backward and forward, of reflecting upon past experiences while also anticipating those are yet to come. Therefore, we thought it might be useful and interesting to not only detail some of the lessons learned during the previous year but also to outline our plans for the coming months.
NEWS | Madlug Goes Viral

NEWS | Madlug Goes Viral

Over the past weekend, Madlug went viral after social media influencer 'Part-Time Working Mummy' shared the Madlug story with her 480,000 Facebook followers.


We love partnering with other organisations to deliver social action. Last month we were invited to work with Stratagem, a Belfast-based public affairs consultancy, to help them deliver on an amazing educational programme with Mary's Meals. Matthew Coyle from Stratagem shares more about this partnership below. 
THANKS l Madlug is 3

THANKS l Madlug is 3

As we get ready to celebrate our 3rd birthday Dave wanted to share some of the story so far and also lay some vision for the next 3 years. Also, details of our birthday party on Saturday and Sunday in Belfast.
MOVEMENT l The Ice Academy

MOVEMENT l The Ice Academy

Earlier this year we had the chance to partner with the Odyssey Trust and Include Youth, two incredible organisations working with care experienced young people. We caught up with Wendy Langham, head of Social Affairs at the Odyssey Trust, to hear about their Ice Academy and how its supported these young people.

Our Backpacks

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